From the course: Management Tips

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Managing your manager

Managing your manager

Bad news! Leadership isn't simply a top down behavior. If you want to be a successful professional, it's a 360 degree activity. You have to manage your employees. To a certain extent, your peers. And yes, you have to learn to manage your boss, too. Here's the good news. It's not hard when you know how to approach the situation. I want you to remember 5 simple steps, that will help you build the best possible relationship with your boss. First, learn their communication preferences. Maybe they love e-mail. Maybe they really prefer the phone, or talking face to face. Maybe they like to verbose and talkative, or maybe they value very concise, and brief communication. Whatever their preferences, pay attention. Know them. And use them. The more you communicate, in a manner that aligns with their natural preference, the better they will hear and process everything you're trying to say. Next, be very clear about their expectations for your performance. Don't assume you're on the same page…
