From the course: Management Tips

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Managing technical talent

Managing technical talent

From the course: Management Tips

Managing technical talent

Given the importance of highly technical employees to the ongoing operation of most organizations, it's a bit surprising we don't recognize their unique needs. They're important. I'm referring here to any highly technical employee, but in particular, to Information Technology professionals. Be honest, have you or the team ever been shut down by a computer glitch at a very inconvenient point in time? It's moments like those when you realize their importance, and your need to cultivate quality relationships with your technical staff. The benefits are huge and often include: faster response times when you're in need, shorter cycle times before you receive new software and hardware, not to mention their willingness to help you with your personal computer, tablet or laptop. To make sure they really have your back, be sure to remember these great tips. First, realize that once in awhile, you need to overtly say, thanks. I don't advocate openly stroking someone's ego terribly often. But…
