From the course: Management Tips

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Managing poor performance

Managing poor performance

From the course: Management Tips

Managing poor performance

If everyone preformed great all the time, there wouldn't be much need for leaders. In reality of course there are plenty of performance problems you have to address. Most professionals don't enjoy this aspect of leadership, but the best leaders never back away from the hard aspects of the job. Having said that, you're busy and you cant intervene to fix and coach people all the time. I want you to get the most bang for your intervention buck. Think through the following two questions and they'll help you make the right call. First, is the behavior in question best described as a pattern or a one-time event? Unless the one-time incident represents a very large problem, you want to look for a patter of performance deviations before intervening. Next, is the area of performance in question truly important or of minor importance? Sometimes, you might be bothered when someone doesn't do something exactly the way you like it to be done. Fair enough. But try to resist intervening until the…
