From the course: Management Tips

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Managing millennials

Managing millennials

One of the most interesting and difficult challenges at work today is managing across generations. The generational shift occurring in the next two decades will be larger than ever seen before. There will be far reaching consequences. As one important example, let's consider the millennial generation. The millennial were born approximately between 1980 and the year 2000. There are now many millions of them joining the workforce. Unlike Gen Exers and the Baby Boomers, the Millennials have developed work characteristics and tendencies from their doting parents and very structured lives. They are a huge part of your future, so what do you have to do to effectively communicate and motivate millennials? Here are the top three ways to connect successfully. First, provide structure. Assignments have deadlines. Jobs tend to have regular hours. Meetings have agendas and minutes. Goals should be very clear. These folks grew up with lots of structure. I want you to resist too much micromanaging,…
