From the course: Management Tips

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Managing emotions at work

Managing emotions at work

From the course: Management Tips

Managing emotions at work

- Lots of people think about how to become better at their jobs, and when they do, they think about building new skills. The problem is that they often limit new skill building to the task side of the work equation. That is building new functional or technical skills traditionally associated with getting their job done. So for example, if you're an accountant that might mean learning about new accounting policies at work, or relevant regulations and laws that have been passed. Guess what. One of the best skill sets you can use to advance your career isn't about your job at all. It's the skill set referred to as Emotional Intelligence, sometimes referred to as EQ. This refers to your ability to sense in yourself, and others, emotions as they rise up, so that you can choose to use them in a productive fashion, as opposed to merely being subject to them. Thus you can sense anger in yourself, and learn to keep it in check. You can learn to sense sadness in others, and build your capacity…
