From the course: Management Tips

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Managing creative talent

Managing creative talent

From the course: Management Tips

Managing creative talent

- Creative talent is among the most rare, and they need a little special attention. Whether you're talking about the traditional creatives such as artists and designers or any type of professional who happens to be very creative, there's a few things to keep in mind. Overall, realize that creative production is not random. It bubbles to the surface far more often under the right conditions. Here are the five most useful management tips for maximizing the output from your creative employees. First, be sure to set the bar high and then get out of the way. It's the combination of a challenging goal and the freedom to chase it with few constraints that drives the creative professional. If they're not challenged, they'll disengage quickly. Worse yet, if they're micromanaged, you'll see anything but creative output. Next, strive to collaborate instead of mandate. All adults wish to be treated like adults, but creatives in particular feel willing and able to self-govern. As the boss, you…
