From the course: Management Tips

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Managing a multigenerational workforce

Managing a multigenerational workforce

From the course: Management Tips

Managing a multigenerational workforce

Never has there been more generations represented in the workforce at the same time than right now. You've got vets, boomers, x-ers, and millennials. I think it's fair to say that getting all these different generations working effectively together, will be one of the biggest talent management challenges anyone faces in the next few years. Let me help you get started successfully leading across generations right now. Try these approaches and see which ones are most effective for you. Demand dialogue. Many times when members of different generations see values displayed at work that they don't understand they tend to close up, think unproductive thoughts and say nothing. Your goal is to get people talking so you can shift from thinking in terms of right and wrong towards thinking in terms of interesting differences, thinking about a diversity of values in work styles that can increase team creativity. Look for differences in work attire, professional habits and language skills and…
