From the course: Management Tips

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Making yourself approachable

Making yourself approachable

From the course: Management Tips

Making yourself approachable

- People are often unaware of how they're presenting themselves to others. They don't mean to make others feel odd or uneasy, but that's sometimes what happens. Your goal is to become more conscious of how you're being perceived, so you can increase your approachability. Let's start with how you look. Some believe that how you look does not matter. Others think it's very important. What I want you to focus on is the fact that every situation or group has a different set of informal rules regarding attire and grooming. Generally, you don't want to violate those rules. I'm not saying you can't be personally expressive, I'm only reminding you, that to the extent you don't meet others' appearance expectations, people may not feel comfortable approaching you. Next, let's think about how you can proactively signal approachability. Well if you have an office, open the door. Maybe not all day, but definitely during periods you wish to be approachable. If you work in a cube, one great strategy…
