From the course: Management Tips

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Making work fun

Making work fun

Yes, work and fun are words that can be used in the same sentence. Let's be honest, we spend a massive amount of time in life at work. So don't you think we should try and make it a little fun? Of course. I know that as a leader your primary responsibility is to facilitate the team in a way that gets the work done. I'm just saying that one tool you really should think a little more about is fun. I don't want to sound too grandiose, but when you help folks experience positive emotions at work, it not only makes them smile, it makes them more motivated, more productive, and even more creative. Start creating a little fun by following these tips. First, try making fun of yourself. As the boss, you have a high status, and that often makes it difficult for your employees to feel completely comfortable around you. Your job is to make yourself a bit more human and approachable. That leads to better conversations and better decision making. One great way to do this, is through self…
