From the course: Management Tips

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Making tough decisions

Making tough decisions

One thing's for certain, as a professional you make a lot of decisions. Big and small. Unfortunately, some of them are very difficult. It's not so much that they represent an ethical dilemma, though they might. But what I'm referring to are decisions with options that all look risky. Or some that you know would be unpopular. Anytime you have to make a call when you know the odds aren't great. Or that no matter what you do, someone will not be happy with your choice. Well, that's a tough position to be in. Let's start thinking about how you survive this situation. By remembering three core rules I elaborated in another video called, Navigating Ethical Dilemmas, which is also a part of this series. To summarize, know what you value and don't compromise your values. When in doubt, don't hesitate to get good advice. And finally, make a choice you can be proud of. One you don't feel the need to hide. Those three provide a great foundation for any tough decision. But I want to give you a…
