From the course: Management Tips

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Making risk feel like learning

Making risk feel like learning

From the course: Management Tips

Making risk feel like learning

- The key to real innovation and change is getting people to engage educated risk taking. The problem is that people traditionally think about risk in a negative manner. It's dangerous, to be avoided and can hurt you. So, the solution is to work hard to change how people feel about risk. In fact, you wanna stop referring to risk and instead, start thinking a lot about learning. Learning, as a phrase, doesn't have nearly as much baggage as risk, so now your task becomes one of encouraging learning. Here's just a few key ways you can do that. First, talk about it. Make talking about possibilities and changes a normal, nearly daily event. The more common the conversation, the more likely you'll see the kind of behavioral engagement that supports change and improvement. Next, reduce the negativity. By this I mean both the quick negative comments that often follow ideas, as well as the negative evaluations handed out by managers to people who tried something that didn't work out. All…
