From the course: Management Tips

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Making better decisions at work

Making better decisions at work

From the course: Management Tips

Making better decisions at work

Nothing is more fundamental to career success than decision making skills. Whether you're talking about who to hire or which new product to introduce, decision making is at the core of what we do. Which is why it's so amazing how little time we actually think about decision making in practice. We're so busy, we seem to just react as opposed to actually thinking. Here are four very practical tips, designed to make you a more effective decision maker. First, before you make any decision, ask yourself, is this decision truly important or is this just something I have to get done? I call this the 80 20 rule. 80% of what we do is just stuff that has to get done. It's not unimportant, but it's not of strategic importance either. The 20 percent includes decisions pertaining to the most vital people, tasks and projects you face. These are the biggest drivers of your future success. If you don't think through the 80/20 you risk over investing time and decisions of lesser importance. Next…
