From the course: Management Tips

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Let them teach you

Let them teach you

- Bosses are an interesting bunch, always standing on a pedestal, preaching and sharing knowledge. That's understandable to a certain extent, but to form great relationships, you have to step down from the pedestal and meet people on their level. When you do that, one of the best ways to bond with the team is to find ways to let them teach you. Every member of your team likely knows things that are a part of their job that you don't fully understand. They will love to teach you what they know, just as much as you like helping people when you're in traditional boss mode. Listen, they want to be respected. They want to trust you and they want to feel valued. Allowing them to teach you fulfills all of these needs and more. There are several ways you can make this happen. The first is a classic. Start having lunch-and-learn sessions. These are fun, informal employee gatherings at lunch time. Everyone brings their lunch and one person has been chosen for 20 or 30 minutes to address…
