From the course: Management Tips

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Learning how to say no

Learning how to say no

As strange as it might seem being helpful can be overrated. Yes, you should be helpful and positive and civil. But you also have to carve out the time you need every day to get your work done and ensure your success. One of the biggest problems people face in this regard is learning how to say no. It goes like this. Your boss or a colleague comes into your office holding a report and says. Hey sorry to bother you, but can you look at this and tell me if you find any errors? What do most people do in this situation? They say, yes and happily give up their own train of thought to assist someone else. Sometimes that's smart. Often times it's a real problem. In fact, if you don't learn how to properly say no, on occasion, you face a few serious risks. First, if you always say yes to every request, you risk being viewed as so kind that you just might be seen as a doormat. In addition, if you don't know how to say no, you can become the go-to person when anyone needs help, creating for…
