From the course: Management Tips

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Knowing the difference between quitting and refocusing

Knowing the difference between quitting and refocusing

From the course: Management Tips

Knowing the difference between quitting and refocusing

I think the idea of quitting is a little misunderstood. It's considered almost universally negative. Nobody wants to be called a quitter. While it's true that sometimes you need to dig down deep and find new resolve to keep moving forward, it's also true that sometimes stopping one professional activity in order to refocus on others is precisely the smart thing to do. You have to know the difference between quitting and refocusing. Quitting might be an act of laziness, or a sign of selfishness. But sometimes it's brilliant. Think of it this way. When people play the stock market, which do they care more about? The performance of one particular stock, or the performance of their overall portfolio? It's the overall portfolio. Sometimes they have to remove some stocks from the portfolio while adding others. Your career is exactly the same. Your portfolio of goals and projects will change over time. While pursuing your goals things happen you never planned or imagined. Unexpected work…
