From the course: Management Tips

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Know your team's reputation

Know your team's reputation

From the course: Management Tips

Know your team's reputation

- Reputation is something you possess as an individual and it's something your team possesses as well. It's a form of social status that represents an overall judgment others have about you, concerning your knowledge and performance capabilities, your past accomplishments, your integrity, your work ethic and even how they feel about your personality. It can be hard to measure, but it's invaluable. When it's strong, people listen to you. Leaders remember you and resources and opportunities flow your way. When it's weak, well, it's the opposite. So how do you determine the strength of your team's reputation? Let's start with this. Don't assume you know how others view the team. Instead I want you to think through a few sources of data. The first and most obvious is real data about your team's performance. How are the team members rated during evaluations? And how does this compare to other teams or departments? How about awards or recognition from peers or customers? Maybe you've…
