From the course: Management Tips

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How to spot leadership potential

How to spot leadership potential

From the course: Management Tips

How to spot leadership potential

- Everyone knows leadership is important. We know we should invest thoughtfully in leadership development to ensure that our team and organization have a solid pipeline of talent. However, it's not always clear who might be your next great leader. Whether considering a high potentials program or just looking around for future stars who need your support, you need to know what to look for. So, keep your eyes open for these qualities. First, look for people who don't self-promote, but who are promoted by others. There's no shortage of people bragging, taking credit and self-aggrandizing. Don't listen to them. Instead, listen for the name or names that other people keep talking about. Real leaders focus on doing great work, not talking about their great work. Next, you're also looking for people who care about learning as much as applying their expertise. When you find serious experts who also openly embrace learning, pay attention. This is usually someone who is confident enough to talk…
