From the course: Management Tips

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How to solicit feedback from the team

How to solicit feedback from the team

From the course: Management Tips

How to solicit feedback from the team

- There are many channels a manager can use to solicit feedback from the team, including direct conversation, brainstorming sessions, anonymous online tools, and many more. However, finding channels for input is really the easy part. The challenge is behaving in a manner that makes the team feel comfortable enough to engage you on any platform. Let's actually think about two issues. First, how do you create a team culture that encourages everyone to embrace candid conversation that provides you needed feedback? Second, when you do receive feedback, what do you do with it in order to ensure that you encourage more feedback in the future? The first issue requires us to talk about what is sometimes called Psychological Safety. It's that feeling that it's okay to speak up and be honest without fear of negative repercussions. How do you help others feel psychologically safe? There are actually several good answers. For example, you can start by acknowledging any current anxiety you sense…
