From the course: Management Tips

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How to quit your job successfully

How to quit your job successfully

From the course: Management Tips

How to quit your job successfully

- Here's a funny thing. There's a lot of good information out there about how to find a job and become successful in your first few months. In contrast, there isn't much addressing the opposite, how to successfully quit a job. For the upwardly mobile modern professional, this too is a very important skill. Now, the basis for each of the quick tips I'll offer you is all about valuing relationships. In the end, your career will rise or fall, not based simply on your ability and performance, but by how your performance is understood by people with whom you have professional relationships. People with whom you've built connections, people with whom you've worked in the past, and the people you're working with right now. Remember, you never know when you'll encounter your connections again, or in what capacity. So quitting a job positively and professionally is not only the right thing to do, it's smart for your career. With that in mind, be sure to nail these tips. First, after you've…
