From the course: Management Tips

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How to produce value for your network

How to produce value for your network

From the course: Management Tips

How to produce value for your network

- Everyone knows that networking is an important element in career success. Yes, who you know does matter a lot. But, not everyone is really good at networking, and believe me, very few are really effective. Here's the big secret. If you ever want a large quantity of great contacts, you must seriously focus not on quantity, but on building quality connections. Above all else, that means you have to add value to your network connections. A lot of people focus on how to make the ask, that is, how do you effectively ask a connection for something you want? No, listen, that becomes easy and incidental when you have great connections. The real goal is building solid relationships with people so they would be happy to help you when it becomes possible to do so. Alright, let's be honest, most connections online are just that, electronic connections. There are often very different than traditional relationships, which include some amount of in-person interactions. But, they can be meaningful.…
