From the course: Management Tips

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Hiring to fill gaps in your team

Hiring to fill gaps in your team

From the course: Management Tips

Hiring to fill gaps in your team

Sometimes you hire someone simply due to growth. That's a great problem to have. Other times you hire someone to fill a hole in your team. For example, maybe someone retires. If you're lucky, your boss will approve the hiring process, and you and the team can start looking for a new colleague. It's a great opportunity to refresh and improve the team's talent. However, many times the process ends badly. Too often we're hasty and make decisions we later regret. We hire someone who appears to be minimally acceptable as opposed to hiring someone who is really great. There are three big reasons we make this mistake. First, the hole in your team represents work that must be done now by others. By definition, the workload of others on the team will go up to cover for the person who left. In general, folks don't enjoy seemingly arbitrary increases in workload. And hiring someone quickly seems like a good answer. Next, running a quality search process for a new employee takes time. That's…
