From the course: Management Tips

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Giving a realistic job preview

Giving a realistic job preview

From the course: Management Tips

Giving a realistic job preview

Sometimes when we're recruiting new employees, we wish to tell them all the things about our company and our team, that are positive. You know, the fun things, the accomplishments and of course, the perks. It's natural to avoid talking about our short comings or the less fun aspects of our workplace. Having said that, you're smart to be a little honest by giving them a realistic job preview. A realistic job preview refers to mechanisms used early in the selection process, designed to provide potential applicants with information on both positive and negative aspects of the job. So they have a more complete picture. If there are long hours or the vacation policy is mediocre, or if people sometimes need to work on the weekends, tell them. It's not about being proud of the more difficult aspects of your workplace. It's about setting honest expectations. You want the new employee to enter the organization with their eyes wide open. Completely aware of all relevant job issues including…
