From the course: Management Tips

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Fighting bureaucracy

Fighting bureaucracy

Organizations are funny creatures, when they're small, you have to make things up as you go. There are no established systems or ways of doing things. Then as you grow, it becomes clear that you need a little more order and a little less chaos. So you create a few process models and a bunch of work rules and policies. They seem to help. They provide clarity where before there was none. As you mature as an organization, you become more and more comfortable with this reality, until you've created the opposite problems. There are so many rules and policies. You can't seem to get any work done. Why can't we see this coming? Well the truth is that bureaucracies are usually built slowly without knowing it. People think they're trying to do the right thing, they're merely trying to gain control over something at work that needs controlling, but in fact, they're usually just adding waste and inefficiency. Think of these good examples. Let's say you see a need to fix something at work. Maybe a…
