From the course: Management Tips

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Engaging your high potentials

Engaging your high potentials

From the course: Management Tips

Engaging your high potentials

High potential employees are your proverbial superstars. They represent your top 5% the people who would worry you if they decided to leave. These employees are rare and deserve special treatment, because of the abnormal size of their contributions. Sometimes when we look at truly talented people, we feel as if they are self motivated and self sufficient. Thus we conclude that we don't need to worry about them as much. That's unfortunately wrong. Research suggests that nearly one quarter of your high potential employees are currently looking for their next job. You don't want to create prima donnas but you do need to take special care of this group. And I want you to realize that while you must pay them a top wage, money is not their main motivation. Instead of only focusing on compensation, I want you to consider these specific strategies that can increase your ability to engage your high potential employees. Make sure they know they're special. Often people with huge ability require…
