From the course: Management Tips

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Empowering through BHAGs

Empowering through BHAGs

From the course: Management Tips

Empowering through BHAGs

Everyone knows that goals are useful motivational tools. In fact, no area of the organizational sciences has received more support than goal theory. For individuals, groups and organizations, goals work. We have limited time and resources and goals provide needed focus. Of course for goals to work, they have to be crafted correctly. Likely the most famous model for talking about goals is the SMART model. That stands for specific, measurable, aligned, reachable and time bound. Specific means they should be very clear and concrete, and detailed. Measurable means we can collect data to check our progress. Aligned means that all goals are working to support each other. Reachable means they're not too difficult. And time bound reminds us to have clear deadlines. These are very useful standards to evaluate goals. But I want to push you further. Specifically, I want you to think about the reachable part of the model. Yes, most of the time goals should be modestly challenging, but still…
