From the course: Management Tips

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Embracing the devil's advocate

Embracing the devil's advocate

From the course: Management Tips

Embracing the devil's advocate

Here's a strange reality. All teams want more creativity. They want their decisions to be more interesting and creative, but they're not good at embracing new and different ideas when they pop up. New ideas are often hammered before being seriously considered. Teams that wish to move from good to great change this reality. They learn to make new thinking and deeper critical conversations a normal part of how the team behaves. One very important mechanism that helps make this happen is the devil's advocate. The devil's advocate is the ultimate hedge against premature decision-making. They know how to stir debate and use questions to improve the group's logic. In short, they are willing and able to create needed debate to push the team towards fresh thinking To be clear, the devil's advocate is not simply a complainer or someone who always focuses on what won't work. We're referring here only to that person with good intentions who wishes to help move the group forward. Unfortunately…
