From the course: Management Tips

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Embracing personal evolution

Embracing personal evolution

From the course: Management Tips

Embracing personal evolution

Improvement in life, whether it's about your health, your career or any other area, requires you to make a choice. You have to choose to own your current situation, to make a plan that will allow you to become an even better version of yourself. Don't get me wrong, feeling moments of contentment with yourself, your relationships, and your accomplishments is normal and healthy. But to embrace personal growth you have to use goal achievement in two distinct ways. First, as a sense of personal accomplishment, that's very important. Then, second, as an invitation to imagine your next goal. After every time you say wow, I can't believe I actually accomplished that. You should say, I wonder what else I'm capable of doing. The more you embrace this ideal, time and again, the more you'll realize that life isn't so much about destination, it's about the journey. Let me help you get started. I want you to focus on where you were five years ago, where you are now, and where you'll be in five…
