From the course: Management Tips

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Embracing failure

Embracing failure

You want to know something funny? Before I was a well known talking head, I was the kid who was fired at age 16 from the frozen yogurt store for giving free yogurt to a friend. I'm also the guy who wrote two horrible novels, and began a speaking career, as a very mediocre speaker. I could mention many additional failures I've endured over the years. But let's think about these three, for just a moment. Because I was fired as a teenager, I began to think seriously, for the first time, about integrity. Because my books were not very good, I was pushed to consider other types of writing. Today, writings a big part of what I do. I'm also a professional speaker, but I didn't start as a great speaker. Audiences thought I was good, but not great. I chose to use that feedback and study the craft. Eventually I was successful because I was lucky enough to experience these failures early. And the key to my progress was choosing to learn from these mistakes. What about you? Learning how to take…
