From the course: Management Tips

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Earning your next promotion

Earning your next promotion

From the course: Management Tips

Earning your next promotion

Too many people think that if they simply tough it out long enough, they'll receive a promotion. Sometimes, it works that way. But it shouldn't. Your job is to receive that coveted promotion, because you truly earned it. So let's talk about what it means to be promotable. Consider these six vital tactics. First, and this is the most important, build a track record of great performance. Nothing helps you more than creating great work products. Work that is clearly above average when compared to your peers. This is the foundation for promotion. It's not negotiable, you have to do it. You, and maybe several others, will have a great track record. Thus the next five tactics, might be what puts you on top of the list. Let's start with the need to signal your desire to be promoted. While you can't talk about it every week and be constantly tooting your own horn, it's also true that sometimes you do need to talk about it. Every couple of months, it's your burden to chat with your boss or…
