From the course: Management Tips

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Earning respect

Earning respect

A lot people think that being well liked is a great professional goal. But I'm here to tell you that's overrated. Popularity is fleeting. It comes and it goes. Sometimes people are going to like the decisions you make, and sometimes they won't. So what? Your goal is not popularity. Your goal is to make the very best decisions you can. Then execute with integrity which long term will earn you the one thing always better than popularity. Which is respect. Respect is a feeling of esteem or deference one might have for you as an overall person or for certain professional skills, traits and accomplishments. You'll know when you've earned someone's respect. They will come to you more for assistance and advice. They'll represent you positively to others. And, in general, they'll be much more supportive of your professional efforts. In most new relationships, people do afford others a little respect to start with, even without knowing them, based on the assumption, right or wrong, that they…
