From the course: Management Tips

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Diversity’s real power

Diversity’s real power

From the course: Management Tips

Diversity’s real power

The topic of diversity is very popular. I think it's one of the most interesting, hopeful and difficult issues we face today in corporate life. Unfortunately, in most organizations, diversity is only addressed through simplistic required training programs that offend some and enlighten few. But allow everyone to check a needed box. It doesn't have to be that way if we'll address two issues I think are often neglected or ignored. The first is that diversity often hurts before it helps. The simple mantra preached by the consultants is very kumbaya. Diversity is beautiful, but we all know the truth. When we're presented with other people who are different from ourselves, we often have an aversive and unproductive reaction. Evolutionary psychologists suggest that back in the day, when humans lived in caves, we developed that aversive reaction in support of survival. Negatively reacting to different people helped you and your tribe continue living. Today, some of that simple reactionary…
