From the course: Management Tips

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Disagreeing successfully with the boss

Disagreeing successfully with the boss

From the course: Management Tips

Disagreeing successfully with the boss

- There is a correct way to disagree with your boss. Sadly, most people err in one of two unproductive directions. The first, is the person who never disagrees. That's the doormat position, always being stepped on. The other, is the person who is very capable of not only disagreeing, but when they do so, they stir up conflict. Neither are good for you. First of all, a quality boss who is bright, and who has integrity does not want a yes man who always agrees with everything they say and do. No, they want a reasonable and objective colleague who stands as a check against their thinking. They also do not want a constant pain in their neck who rarely agrees. You might disagree to show that you are smart or because you don't like your boss, or maybe you just like to debate. In any case, this habitual response will quickly slow your career progress. Alright, so how do you disagree with your boss successfully? There are several simple issues to keep in mind. The firs, is quantity. To…
