From the course: Management Tips

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Developing your creativity

Developing your creativity

From the course: Management Tips

Developing your creativity

I ask audiences all the time, hey, gimme a show of hands. How many people think they are really creative? Maybe 20% raise their hands. It's amazing to me how few people perceive themselves as creative. No one argues with me that in organizational life we need creativity. But when I remind people that we're all super creative, they start to question me. Let me prove it to you. I want you to trust me and do just as I say. Alright, right where you are I want you to close your eyes. Now, in your mind's eye I want you to get a good image of you, a very young you, say six or seven years old. Do you remember that little kid? Look at that funny haircut and those ridiculous clothes. Where are you playing? Is it in the basement or the backyard? That kid was a relentless and fearless creator. You played cops and robbers. You fought space aliens and monsters of every type. With construction paper and glue, there were endless possibilities. You never stopped creating you always asked why…
