From the course: Management Tips

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Developing a personal board of directors

Developing a personal board of directors

From the course: Management Tips

Developing a personal board of directors

- Companies have boards of directors to provide them with high quality, independent advice. Boards exist in recognition of the fact that a company is very capable of thinking myopically and thinking short term. They benefit from the board's independent thinking, fresh perspectives, and wide expertise. Guess what, the same idea works for individuals as it does for organizations. We've understood that mentors are useful for years. Well, if one mentor is great, imagine what you might learn from a group of mentors. Like a good mentor, you'll want to look for certain characteristics in potential members of your personal board of directors. For example, ideally they should have all of the following: Passion for helping you personally Comfort and skill advising others about careers An ability to think independently Management experience, great communication skills A willingness to challenge you and a willingness to connect you to others who might be of assistance. Now, here's how a personal…
