From the course: Management Tips

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Delivering employee feedback

Delivering employee feedback

From the course: Management Tips

Delivering employee feedback

One of the most common things a manager does, is deliver feedback, but just because we do it all time, doesn't mean we do it effectively. In fact, when you deliver needed feedback, but you do so in an unclear fashion, you can actually do more harm than good. Thankfully, the basics of delivering effective feedback are well known. I want you to keep these five vital tips in mind. First make the content of your feedback helpful. Many times bosses only offer what is called standards related feedback. That's feedback that only tells someone that they did or did not meet certain expectations. You might say great job, or you can do better, or I believe you're capable of more. All of these statements even if honest aren't terribly helpful. You need to be very clear by how they can perform differently and better. That leads to another classic characteristic of great feedback, specificity. Avoid vague statements and innuendo or anything that creates more ambiguity. Don't tell someone they…
