From the course: Management Tips

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Dealing with a public insult from your boss

Dealing with a public insult from your boss

From the course: Management Tips

Dealing with a public insult from your boss

- Ok, here's the setup. You're a member of a team of consultants. You've personally received strong reviews over the last several review cycles and you and your direct supervisor get along very well. Unfortunately, the team’s work has just resulted in the loss of a major client. The whole firm knows about it and there are lots of eyeballs staring at your team. You honestly thought you lost the contract because the client wasn't willing to accept some of the technological changes your team suggested. It's as if the client wanted change but couldn't deal with it. Soon after, your team sits down for a post engagement discussion about what happened. You start off with a mild critique of the client and most of your teammates nod in agreement. Your boss does not. Instead, he looks at you and says "Honestly, I'm not precisely sure what "happened yet. "I do know that the client hated your last presentation. "I was a little shocked too. "We all knew we had to make a great case "for the…
