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Creative onboarding

Creative onboarding

Onboarding, even when it's not called onboarding, takes place at every organization. Sometimes people call it socialization. Sometimes they call it onboarding. Either way, it refers to the ways new employees gain the needed knowledge and skills required to be effective in the organization. Companies use meetings with lectures, videos, lots of printed material, and increasingly, computer-based experiences. These efforts cover lots of technical needs such as forms for payroll and benefits, as well as other information about the company mission and history. Research does indicate that quality onboarding efforts support employee satisfaction and retention. Firms not systematically thinking about onboarding should be. Having said that, let's be honest. Onboarding in most organizations is usually just some sort of orientation process. One the new hires don't enjoy. The new employees are assembled in a conference room, asked to fill out a million forms and asked to read or listen to a…
