From the course: Management Tips

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Creating solutions, not policies

Creating solutions, not policies

From the course: Management Tips

Creating solutions, not policies

For better or worse, bureaucracy is unavoidable, logical, and can be good. However, it must be used in moderation. Excessive bureaucracy becomes a disease that can erode the capacity for change and improvement. Consider this example that I once witnessed that really makes the point. A manager in one division of a large, international firm noticed something one day at work that really bothered him. He noticed that one employee had on footwear that was not professional. She was wearing open toed shoes that, to the manager, were inappropriate. The manager felt they looked like common flip-flop shoes that many people wear during the summer. What should this manager have done? The best course of action would be to have a conversation directly with the employee about the issue. You should positively state your perception and set a new expectation. Most likely that's all it would take. Unfortunately, the manager in question chose a different route. It turns out, he didn't personally have a…
