From the course: Management Tips

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Creating needed debate

Creating needed debate

Many times at work we all know that difficult conversations are necessary. We also know that good men and women choose not to engage those discussions. It's understandable, at some level. Modern humans are not socially programmed to engage in conflict or to inflame tense situations. Tense situations happen but usually, it wasn't a choice, it was just a momentary loss of control by one or more people. We've all been there. You're in a meeting and someone says, "Okay, the numbers are in and for the third quarter "in a row, the new product we introduced " last year is down again." Then they move on to another announcement. Everybody knows the product has not performed well. They know it's time to start talking about corrective courses of action, whether that's removing the product and relaunching later or just scrapping it all together and writing off the inventory. Everyone also knows, the boss, who's sitting in the room was a big backer of the new product that's now tanking. There's…
