From the course: Management Tips

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Communicating with candor

Communicating with candor

From the course: Management Tips

Communicating with candor

I spent a lot of time over the years trying to preach the power of positivity. Whether writing or speaking, it's one of my favorite topics, and the research backs me up. When people feel a part of positive relationships at work, they tend to perform better. And show more loyalty and commitment. However, I need to be clear. High performance relationships embrace candor even more than simple positivity and civility. When I talk about positivity, it's in the context of a healthy performance climate. That means that candor must be as important, or a little more important, than civility. Candor refers to open and frank dialogue. It's about strong honesty and being very forthright. It's not negative, demeaning, or unnecessarily caustic. It's about having the tough conversations. Great teams have challenging discussions on the fly when the need arises. And it's precisely because their work environment is generally very positive, that frank and candid conversation is not interpreted as bad or…
