From the course: Management Tips

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Changing routines to build new thought

Changing routines to build new thought

From the course: Management Tips

Changing routines to build new thought

- One of the biggest obstacles to personal growth and creativity is remembering what it was like to be kid. When you were a kid, you were extremely creative. Your imagination never stopped. Every new issue or task was a mystery to be explored because you didn't have strictly developed patterns of thinking. You lacked a million routines that adults rely on every day. However, as kids continue to grow, their way of thinking about issues is slowly but surely constrained because the environments we occupy have rules. So a child goes to school and learns to go to their homeroom instead of wandering and exploring the building. They learn where to sit. They learn the correct procedure for everything, from test taking, to how to walk down the hall, and even how to ask permission to use the restroom. They learn many required routines. And research shows that around the third grade, creativity plateaus or declines in most kids. It gets worse in high school. In college, even worse. Then as…
