From the course: Management Tips

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Building transparency into your work culture

Building transparency into your work culture

From the course: Management Tips

Building transparency into your work culture

There are a few well known characteristics of world class workplaces. One of my favorites is transparency. Whether you're talking about daily decision making, the organization's financial statements, or any other aspect of organizational life, here's a great rule of thumb. When in doubt, share the information. In years past many professionals believed that to horde information and keep it to yourself was a great way to gain power. They were somewhat correct. But that's not the type of power you want. You don't want power gained by keeping people in the dark. You want the power gained by respecting them enough to share information instead of keeping secrets. If you're talking about compensation, or if it's illegal or clearly unethical, don't share what you know. In all other cases, which is about 99% of the time, Err on being transparent. Here's why. People want to trust but they're willing not to. If they feel as if you've not shared the entire story or the complete explanation, they…
