From the course: Management Tips

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Building a better meeting

Building a better meeting

From the course: Management Tips

Building a better meeting

We all have them. They're usually painful and they suck the life out of you. What are they? Not meetings, but poorly run meetings. I think we can all agree on the basics. We don't love meetings. We probably need fewer meetings, and we certainly need meetings that are run more effectively. The good news is meetings don't have to be bad. Let me share with you a few tips that make sure, you don't have too many boring, and unproductive meetings. First, when in doubt, don't call a meeting. If it's possible to accomplish what needs to be accomplished via telephone or electronically, don't call a meeting. And if you do, let's be clear about who should be invited. The answer is, as few people as possible. I mean that any needed experts, executive sponsors, and maybe a few others who will be directly affected by the decisions to be made at the meeting. But that's it. Here's a great rule, when in doubt, don't invite them. Okay, let's talk about process. I want you to think in terms of before…
