From the course: Management Tips

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Breaking through with brainstorming

Breaking through with brainstorming

From the course: Management Tips

Breaking through with brainstorming

Creativity is among the most valued traits of great decisions. And no technique for boosting creativity has been more popular than brainstorming. Unfortunately, no tool has been more misused than brainstorming. I'll tell you why and how to use brainstorming successfully in just a minute. First, a bit of background. In the 1930s, an advertising executive named Alex Osbourne came up with a new decision-making technique. The idea was simple, multiple heads working together should be more creative than individuals working alone. It makes sense. Everyone has different ideas, and if we can somehow combine them, the product might be greater than the sum of the parts. Eventually these are the brainstorming rules that emerged. One, focus on the idea of production. The more ideas, the better. Capture each and every one of them that emerges from group discussion. Two, piggyback on anyone's idea. If you hear something you like, and it makes you think of a slightly different, maybe even better…
