From the course: Management Tips

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Becoming a change agent

Becoming a change agent

From the course: Management Tips

Becoming a change agent

Too often we waste our careers by using all of our energy to avoid failure. We're trained to listen to our parents, listen to our teachers, and then listen to our boss at work for forty years. If you do what you're told, you're rewarded. If you don't, you're usually made to regret it. It's funny, in our society it seems we do love to celebrate innovation and success, but strangely, we love to chastise failure even more. That's unfortunate since success requires tons of failure and learning. It's unavoidable and universal. We all face it. And it's illogical because every single successful product, service, process or technology was a failure before it was a success. It's ironic really, one of the primary reasons organizations stall and fail is because bureaucracies are designed to minimize risk and reduce variation. That's a bit odd, since it's an amazing act of risk taking and deviation that created every organization in the first place. The best leaders know this and start…
