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Avoiding the seven toxic words

Avoiding the seven toxic words

From the course: Management Tips

Avoiding the seven toxic words

- Not all words are created equally. Some, while potentially honest or well-intentioned, can hurt to the point of being toxic. By toxic I mean they can inflame emotions, negatively impact how you're perceived, and they can negatively impact communication at work. You want to use words that build rapport. Even when offering needed criticism, you can do so in a positive fashion. So, here they are in no particular order, the seven toxic words. First is the word can't. For example, we can't do that, he can't authorize that, or how about our customers can't understand this solution. Such harsh and finite statements are rarely useful. Next is the word no. Such an easy word to use. It's clear and to the point, but it's very often seen as too heavy, negative, or even disrespectful. Instead, strive to offer a more informative comment about the decision that was made. Okay, here's a classic: wrong. If you want to make someone get angry or question their intelligence, tell them they're wrong. If…
