From the course: Management Tips

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Avoiding burnout at work

Avoiding burnout at work

From the course: Management Tips

Avoiding burnout at work

Even people who work on amazing teams and love what they do can sometimes succumb to excessive stress or what is sometimes referred to as burnout. Burnout is about exhaustion, emotional, mental and physical. Created by high stress and long hours, as you look at your team ask yourself whether you've seen any of these signs of approaching burnout. Do people claim they feel little control over their work, or that their work is not being recognized? Are you hearing more about work loads and work pressure? How about employees who seem to be abnormally tired all the time? Maybe you've sensed increased procrastination or complaining. In the presence of these signs, if you don't act now and burnout sets in, the negative effects will spill over into all areas of your employees' work life. And eventually, their home life too. That doesn't have to happen. Use these tips to ensure your employees remain challenged, but free from burnout. The first step is simple, but it's the most important. Start…
