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Avoiding blame

Avoiding blame

The blame game is an ongoing activity for many professionals at work. Real progress cannot begin, until the blame game ends. Blame is natural, but it's not productive. It's natural because when something goes wrong, most people don't feel great about saying, I helped cause that. So instead, we blame others. What I want you to remember, is that blame is really an acronym. It stands for Barely, Legitimate, Almost, Meaningless, Excuse. Think of blame as a partially true yet wholly unproductive process of faulting others instead of taking personal responsibility. Sadly when you ask many professionals what the problem is, their index finger involuntarily thrusts outward to identify the culprit. Someone else. Not them. That's not useful because you know as well as I do that for most problems we face, there are plenty of folks who honestly share the blame. Your job as a good professional is to accept the fact that a lot of the time, even though there's plenty of blame to go around, some of…
