From the course: Management Tips

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Assessing your organization's change readiness

Assessing your organization's change readiness

From the course: Management Tips

Assessing your organization's change readiness

Let me ask you a question. Do organizations change too little or too much? You might be surprised to learn the answer is too much. We've all been seduced by the popular notion that change is the only constant. We have to change everything now or risk becoming obsolete. As a result, organizations take on too many projects. This means that many changed projects fail. Now by failure I mean that the project was way over budget, took too long, and delivered far too little of the promised benefits. The research on change in organizations is very clear. We take on too many projects for predictable reasons. Two of the biggest are trying to keep up with the competition and adopting best practices. It goes like this. A leadership team finds out about a new practice or some new type of resource being used by the competition or some practice that they hear is becoming a standard. And they hear it's working really well. If we wish to remain relevant, we should do that too, right? No, that's not…
