From the course: Management Tips

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All behaviors have consequences

All behaviors have consequences

From the course: Management Tips

All behaviors have consequences

- The very first thing I taught my oldest child is a lesson I love to share with managers. All behaviors have consequences. Everything you do creates some type of response. It's a great lesson to teach kids so they'll begin thinking about the consequences of their behavior. Guess what, for adults, it's equally important. I translate it like this, all decisions have many consequences. Knowing this is a vital hedge against making short-term decisions that undermine long-term needs. Truth is, we do this all the time. We often move very fast to address the most immediate problem we're facing, and we don't invest more time to look for and fix the root cause. Let me give you an example. Say, an important vendor comes to you, and for some reason, requests an extension on some amount of money they owe you. The extension would violate your normal procedures, but for expediency, and since they are a good partner, you accommodate them, wonderful, problem solved. Then, months later, three…
